Oh yes is one limit, I have an idea how to solve the problem, thanks :D
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//Oh yes is big array, but is only for tests, in the future i go reduce this :)
unsigned short sprTiles16px[300] = {0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,32,34,36,38,40,42,44,46,64,66,68,70,72,74,76,78,96,98,100,102,104,106,108,110,128,130,132,134,136,138,140,142,160,162,164,166,168,170,172,174,192,194,196,198,200,202,204,206,224,226,228,230,232,234,236,238,256,258,260,262,264,266,268,270,288,290,292,294,296,298,300,302,320,322,324,326,328,330,332,334,352,354,356,358,360,362,364,366,384,386,388,390,392,394,396,398,416,418,420,422,424,426,428,430,448,450,452,454,456,458,460,462,480,482,484,486,488,490,492,494,512,514,516,518,520,522,524,526,544,546,548,550,552,554,556,558,576,578,580,582,584,586,588,590,608,610,612,614,616,618,620,622,640,642,644,646,648,650,652,654,672,674,676,678,680,682,684,686,704,706,708,710,712,714,716,718,736,738,740,742,744,746,748,750,768,770,772,774,776,778,780,782,800,802,804,806,808,810,812,814,832,834,836,838,840,842,844,846,864,866,868,870,872,874,876,878,896,898,900,902,904,906,908,910,928,930,932,934,936,938,940,942,960,962,964,966,968,970,972,974,992,994,996,998,1000,1002,1004,1006,1024,1026,1028,1030,1032,1034,1036,1038,1056,1058,1060,1062,1064,1066,1068,1070,1088,1090,1092,1094,1096,1098,1100,1102,1120,1122,1124,1126,1128,1130,1132,1134,1152,1154,1156,1158,1160,1162,1164,1166,1184,1186,1188,1190};
//Custom oamInitGfxAttr, my sprites having 16X32 (see Val 6 in table Sprite sizes http://www.portabledev.com/wiki/doku.php?id=sprites_en)
REG_OBSEL = (6<<5) | (0x0000 >> 13);
//Copy the heros graphics for vram with dma, this point using 0x0000 to 0xC000
WaitForVBlank(); dmaCopyVram(&tileSourceHeros, 0x0000, &tileSourceHerosEnd-&tileSourceHeros);
//Copy the heros palette for vram with dma
dmaCopyCGram(&paletteEntryHeros, (128+0*16), 32);
//Copy the civis graphics for vram with dma, this point using 0xC000 to 0x2000
WaitForVBlank(); dmaCopyVram(&tileSourceCivis, 0xC000 , &tileSourceCivisEnd - &tileSourceCivis);
//Copy the civis palette for vram with dma
dmaCopyCGram(&paletteEntryCivis, (128+1*16), 32);
//Copy the objs graphics for vram with dma, this point using 0x2000 to 0x3000
WaitForVBlank(); dmaCopyVram(&tileSourceObjs, 0x2000, &tileSourceObjsEnd - &tileSourceObjs);
//Copy the objs palette for vram with dma
dmaCopyCGram(&paletteEntryObjs, (128+2*16), 32);
/*Table offset
Offset Sprite Addres Real
0 Hero 0x0000
16 Friend1 0x0400
32 Friend2 0x0800
48 Civil1 0x0C00
64 Civil2 0x1000
80 Civil3 0x1400
96 Civil4 0x1800
112 Civil5 0x1C00
128 OBJ1 0x2000 //Dont working
144 OBJ2 0x2400 //Dont working
160 OBJ3 0x2800 //Dont working
176 OBJ4 0x2C00 //Dont working
oamSet(0, hero.x, hero.y, 0, 0, 0, sprTiles16px[0], 0);
oamSet(4, friend1.x, friend1.y, 0, 0, 0, sprTiles16px[16], 0);
oamSet(8, friend2.x, friend2.y, 0, 0, 0, sprTiles16px[32], 0);
oamSetEx(12, OBJ_SMALL, OBJ_SHOW);
oamSet(12, civil1.x, civil1.y, 0, 0, 0, sprTiles16px[48], 1);
oamSetEx(16, OBJ_SMALL, OBJ_SHOW);
oamSet(16, civil2.x, civil2.y, 0, 0, 0, sprTiles16px[64], 1);
oamSetEx(20, OBJ_SMALL, OBJ_SHOW);
oamSet(20, civil3.x, civil3.y, 0, 0, 0, sprTiles16px[80], 1);
oamSetEx(24, OBJ_SMALL, OBJ_SHOW);
oamSet(24, civil4.x, civil4.y, 0, 0, 0, sprTiles16px[96], 1);
oamSetEx(28, OBJ_SMALL, OBJ_SHOW);
oamSet(28, civil5.x, civil5.y, 0, 0, 0, sprTiles16px[112], 1);
//0x2000 - Dont working
oamSetEx(32, OBJ_SMALL, OBJ_SHOW);
oamSet(32, obj1.x, obj1.y, 0, 0, 0, sprTiles16px[128], 2);
//0x2400 - Dont working
oamSetEx(36, OBJ_SMALL, OBJ_SHOW);
oamSet(36, obj2.x, obj2.y, 0, 0, 0, sprTiles16px[144], 2);
//0x2800 - Dont working
oamSetEx(40, OBJ_SMALL, OBJ_SHOW);
oamSet(40, obj3.x, obj3.y, 0, 0, 0, sprTiles16px[160], 2);
//0x2C00 - Dont working
oamSetEx(44, OBJ_SMALL, OBJ_SHOW);
oamSet(44, obj4.x, obj4.y, 0, 0, 0, sprTiles16px[176], 2);
void oamInitGfxAttr(0x0000, OBJ_SIZE8);
u16 checkMapCol(short OBJX, short OBJY, u8 *mapCol){
//512 pixel width 512/8 = 64
//768 pixel height -> 768/8 = 96
u16 *ptrMap = (u16 *) &mapCol + (OBJY>>3)*64 + (OBJX>>3)*96;
return (*ptrMap);
shot valueOfTile;
valueOfTile = &mapcol / (13); //13st tile, return 1 or 1st Tile
valueOfTile = &mapcol / (14); //14st tile, Return 1 or 1st Tile
valueOfTile = &mapcol / (15); //15st tile, Return 2 or 2st Tile
valueOfTile = &mapcol / (16); //16st tile, Return 2 or 2st Tile
valueOfTile = &mapcol / (17); //17st tile, Return 1 or 1st Tile
valueOfTile = &mapcol / (18); //18st tile, Return 2 or 2st Tile
"Front" < BG3, BG2, SPRITES, BG1 > "Behind"
<Front Screen>
BG3 -> Here Dialog texts (I need set bit priority for 1, default is 0)
BG2 -> Here will be for example, leaf of trees, to create depth effect for the sprite (I need set bit priority for 1, default is 0)
OBJ -> Are all sprites (The priority i set in 2 and working becouse is native in function OamSet)
BG1 -> Here all background for my map (the bit priority default is 0, so no need to do anything)
BG3 -> priority 1
BG2 -> priority 1
OBJ -> priority 2
BG1 -> priority 0
CitationThis is how you get that type of arrangement (if I interpreted http://nocash.emubase.de/fullsnes.htm#snespictureprocessingunitppu 's background priority chart correctly)
Animated Sprite demo
-- alekmaul
Sprite from Stephen "Redshrike" Challener), http://opengameart.org
#include <snes.h>
extern char gfxpsrite, gfxpsrite_end;
extern char palsprite, palsprite_end;
extern char patterns, patterns_end;
extern char palette, palette_end;
extern char map, map_end;
extern char col, col_e;
#define FRAMES_PER_ANIMATION 3 // 3 sprites per direction
// The Monster sprite
typedef struct
short x, y;
int gfx_frame;
int state;
int anim_frame;
int flipx;
} Monster;
// The state of the sprite (which way it is walking)
enum SpriteState {W_DOWN = 0, W_UP = 1, W_RIGHT = 2, W_LEFT = 2};
// Screen dimentions
char sprTiles[9]={0,2,4, 6,8,10, 12,14,32}; // Remeber that sprites are interleave with 128 pix width,
// The magic function for collision
u16 getCollisionTile(u16 x, u16 y) {
u16 *ptrMap = (u16 *) &col + (y) + (x);
return (*ptrMap);
int main(void) {
unsigned short pad0,i;
Monster monster = {10,10};
// Initialize SNES
// Init Sprites gfx and palette with default size of 16x16
oamInitGfxSet(&gfxpsrite, (&gfxpsrite_end-&gfxpsrite), &palsprite, (&palsprite_end-&palsprite), 0, 0x0000, OBJ_SIZE16);
// Copy tiles to VRAM
bgInitTileSet(0, &patterns, &palette, 0, (&patterns_end - &patterns), (&palette_end - &palette), BG_16COLORS, 0x4000);
// Copy Map to VRAM
bgInitMapSet(0, &map, (&map_end - &map),SC_32x32, 0x1000);
// Define sprites parameters
oamSet(0, monster.x, monster.y, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
// Now Put in 16 color mode and disable all backgrounds
setMode(BG_MODE1,0); bgSetDisable(1); bgSetDisable(2);
// Wait VBL 'and update sprites too ;-)
// Wait for nothing :P
while(1) {
// Refresh pad values
// Get current #0 pad
pad0 = padsCurrent(0);
if (pad0) {
// Update sprite with current pad
if(pad0 & KEY_UP) {
if (getCollisionTile((monster.x), ((monster.y) - 1)) == 0) {
if(monster.y >= SCREEN_TOP) monster.y--;
monster.state = W_UP;
monster.flipx = 0;
if(pad0 & KEY_LEFT) {
if (getCollisionTile(((monster.x) - 1), (monster.y)) == 0) {
if(monster.x >= SCREEN_LEFT) monster.x--;
monster.state = W_LEFT;
monster.flipx = 1;
if(pad0 & KEY_RIGHT) {
if (getCollisionTile(((monster.x) + 1), (monster.y)) == 0) {
if(monster.x <= SCREEN_RIGHT) monster.x++;
monster.state = W_LEFT;
monster.flipx = 0;
if(pad0 & KEY_DOWN) {
if (getCollisionTile((monster.x), ((monster.y) + 1)) == 0) {
if(monster.y <= SCREEN_BOTTOM) monster.y++;
monster.state = W_DOWN;
monster.flipx = 0;
if(monster.anim_frame >= FRAMES_PER_ANIMATION){
monster.anim_frame = 0;
// Now, get current sprite in current animation
monster.gfx_frame = sprTiles[monster.anim_frame + monster.state*FRAMES_PER_ANIMATION ];
oamSet(0, monster.x, monster.y, 3, monster.flipx, 0, monster.gfx_frame, 0);
// Wait VBL 'and update sprites too ;-) )
return 0;
Citation de: RonaldCoLtd le 14 Juillet 2013 à 18:31:09Citation de: faeldaniel le 14 Juillet 2013 à 05:33:40
alekmaul not yet started their studies this point however how to adapt this function that you used in the LikeMario for bg collision of 512px X 512px?u16 getCollisionTile(u16 x, u16 y) {
u16 *ptrMap = (u16 *) &mapcol + (y>>3)*300 + (x>>3);
return (*ptrMap);
( Sorry I wasn't very descriptive ) I meant sprite by sprite. I.e., Sprite 1 touches Sprite 2 and Sprite 1 disappears.
if((oamGetX(ID_SPRITE_1) == oamGetX(ID_SPRITE_2)) & oamGetY(ID_SPRITE_1) == oamGetY(ID_SPRITE_2) ){
u16 getCollisionTile(u16 x, u16 y) {
u16 *ptrMap = (u16 *) &mapcol + (y>>3)*300 + (x>>3);
return (*ptrMap);