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PVSnesLib English section / Re : Re : Sprite between two B...
Dernier message par ccc - 10 Janvier 2013 à 13:45:39
Citation de: alekmaul le 10 Janvier 2013 à 06:32:23
yes, take a look here :

Priority flag (3rd) is : priority relative to BG : 0 for Low and 3 is the highest

That's where I redirected him too.
His problem is that he wants to have, in Mode 1, 2 BG of 16 colors and his sprite between that 2 BG (so in fact a BG and a FG).
He has succeded to put the sprite between the two layers with 0 and 2 as BG's id and 1 as priority flag.
It doesn't seem to work with another combination.
But with that solution he looses the 16 colors of the 2nd background, because of the limitations of Mode 1 I guess

Mode    # Colors for BG
         1   2   3   4
0        4   4   4   4
1       16  16   4   -
2       16  16   -   -
3      256  16   -   -
4      256   4   -   -
5       16   4   -   -
6       16   -   -   -
7      256   -   -   -
7EXTBG 256 128   -   -

PVSnesLib English section / Re : Sprite between two Backgr...
Dernier message par alekmaul - 10 Janvier 2013 à 06:32:23
yes, take a look here :

Priority flag (3rd) is : priority relative to BG : 0 for Low and 3 is the highest
Discussions Générales / Re : emulateur gba sur ds: gba...
Dernier message par alekmaul - 10 Janvier 2013 à 06:29:37
Sympa, tu sais sur quel émulateur il est basé ou si c'est un emu fabriqué de A ? Z ?
PVSnesLib English section / Re : Sprite between two Backgr...
Dernier message par faeldaniel - 09 Janvier 2013 à 02:31:17
yes, oddly only works with this code I quoted, with your code:

oamSet(0,  mycharKyle.x, mycharKyle.y, 0, 0, 0, sprTiles[mycharKyle.positionOffSetSpriter], 0);


oamSet(0,  mycharKyle.x, mycharKyle.y, 1, 0, 0, sprTiles[mycharKyle.positionOffSetSpriter], 0);

Stands behind and with that always stays in front

oamSet(0,  mycharKyle.x, mycharKyle.y, 2, 0, 0, sprTiles[mycharKyle.positionOffSetSpriter], 0);

Discussions Générales / Re : emulateur gba sur ds: gba...
Dernier message par gego51 - 08 Janvier 2013 à 10:55:48
j'ai réussi a le faire lancer sur mon vieux r4  et mon dsiplayer avec ma dslite
1   télécharger sur le site la version alpha 2 fix 4 pour R4 gold dans la rubrique "manual setting" et mettre les fichier a la racine de la carte SD
2   télécharger le bios de la gba et le mettre ? la racine

? la racine de la carte sd, il doit y avoir:
le dossier ichflyr4igoldgbaemu,
le dossier _rpg n'est pas vraiment utile

au lancement il y a plein de configuration mais c'est pas la peine de se fatiguer, j'ai appuyer sur A sans me fatiguer

l'émulateur g?re la sauvegarde, pour sauvegarder , il faut appuyer sur x et y en m?me temps

beaucoup de rom que j'ai tester se lance a la vitesse normal.
PVSnesLib English section / Re : Sprite between two Backgr...
Dernier message par ccc - 08 Janvier 2013 à 09:28:50
Have you tried this setting  ?
bgInitTileSet(1, &patterns_bg, &palette_bg, 4, (&patterns_end_bg - &patterns_bg), (&palette_end_bg - &palette_bg), BG_4COLORS, 0x6000);
bgInitTileSet(0, &patterns_fence, &palette_fence, 5, (&patterns_end_fence - &patterns_fence), (&palette_end_fence - &palette_fence), BG_16COLORS, 0x5000);

bgInitMapSet(1, &map_bg, (&map_end_bg - &map_bg),SC_32x32, 0x4800);
bgInitMapSet(0, &map_fence, (&map_end_fence - &map_fence),SC_32x32, 0x4000);

oamInitGfxSet(&gfxpsrite_kyle_1, (&gfxpsrite_end_kyle_1 - &gfxpsrite_kyle_1), &palsprite_kyle_1, 0, 0x0000, OBJ_SIZE32);
oamSet(0,  mycharKyle.x, mycharKyle.y, 1, 0, 0, sprTiles[mycharKyle.positionOffSetSpriter], 0);

setMode(BG_MODE1, 0);

Discussions Générales / emulateur gba sur ds: gbaemu4d...
Dernier message par gego51 - 07 Janvier 2013 à 00:33:31
c'est un emulateur GBA qui fonctionne sur des lincker ds classic

PVSnesLib English section / Re : Sprite between two Backgr...
Dernier message par faeldaniel - 04 Janvier 2013 à 19:54:41
Thanks Brother it worked perfectly, I believe that had not achieved because the MODE1 the Bg 3 only works with 4 colors however got the result you want to see


bgInitTileSet(2, &patterns_bg, &palette_bg, 4, (&patterns_end_bg - &patterns_bg), (&palette_end_bg - &palette_bg), BG_4COLORS, 0x6000);
bgInitTileSet(0, &patterns_fence, &palette_fence, 5, (&patterns_end_fence - &patterns_fence), (&palette_end_fence - &palette_fence), BG_16COLORS, 0x5000);

bgInitMapSet(2, &map_bg, (&map_end_bg - &map_bg),SC_32x32, 0x4800);
bgInitMapSet(0, &map_fence, (&map_end_fence - &map_fence),SC_32x32, 0x4000);

oamInitGfxSet(&gfxpsrite_kyle_1, (&gfxpsrite_end_kyle_1 - &gfxpsrite_kyle_1), &palsprite_kyle_1, 0, 0x0000, OBJ_SIZE32);
oamSet(0,  mycharKyle.x, mycharKyle.y, 1, 0, 0, sprTiles[mycharKyle.positionOffSetSpriter], 0);

setMode(BG_MODE1, 0);

However lost background-1 and he has 16 colors that makes the background even more beautiful, is it not possible through the previous code?

PVSnesLib English section / Re : Sprite between two Backgr...
Dernier message par faeldaniel - 04 Janvier 2013 à 18:59:19
had already read it, I thought this was only for the priority Gfxs (sprites) and did not work with the BGS, now that quoted calmly read again the documentation can be really so, however I believe that had already tried.

priority =  priority relative to BG : 0 for Low and 3 is the highest

test again and post the result
PVSnesLib English section / Re : Sprite between two Backgr...
Dernier message par ccc - 04 Janvier 2013 à 13:03:35
I have not tested but following the instructions of the wiki the priority parameter of the oamSet function is relative to the BG
Citationpriority    priority relative to BG : 0 for Low and 3 is the highest
In your code your backgrounds are numbered 0 and 1.
Your first test the priority at 0 masks you hide your sprites (lowest priority)
Your 2nd test the priority set to high (3) show you the sprites.
So my guess is if you set the priority to 1 your sprite will be between the both BG.

With 3 layers, noted 0,1,2 I supposed than that priority parameter can be set to 2 for example : It's not a binary (0 or 3) value, you can use 0,1,2 or 3  ;)

I hope alekmaul will confirm that point.

PS : sorry for my awful english  :-[